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IR image poor quality
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:29 am
by feupeuteu
I'm wondering if this is normal or not. My R26C provides an very poor quality IR image by night.
I upgraded R26C with the latest firmware expecting image improvements but I'm wondering if there is a HW problem or not.
Here attached a snapshot from R26C (indoor, on a desk) and from another standard low-cost camera with IR (room view);
Do you guys all have that kind of poor IR lighting during night ?
Thanks for your support,
Re: IR image poor quality
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:08 pm
by Akuvox_Neil
Hi Xavier,
It seems the IR light of the R26 is not opened.
Can you try to reduce the value of Photoresistor in the path: Intercom-Advanced?
For IR light.png
Note: The greater the value is, the darker the environment is.
When the current value of R26 is greater than the right value, like 10, the IR light will be turned on.
When the IR light is switched on, if the current value of R26 is smaller than the left value, like 3, the light will be turned off.
Re: IR image poor quality
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:05 pm
by feupeuteu
Hello Neil,
I've set the photoresistor from 3 to 10 but I still get the same poor quality.
I noticed that 8 red IR leds are active (see the picture).
Could it be a hardware problem ?
Re: IR image poor quality
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:23 am
by Akuvox_Neil
Hi Xavier,
Sorry for that.
The hardware of R26 should be no problem.
It may because the R26's camera do not support the star effect compared to the standard camera.
Maybe you can adjust the position of R26? It seems like the light in is too less, so the night image is so bad.
Thanks&Best regards
Re: IR image poor quality
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:25 am
by GrahamJB1
I see the same issue testing a unit on an outside view.
At night I can only see people as they come close to the unit and get lit up with the infra red LEDs.
My guess is that the camera does not change mode or settings in any way when it (does not) go into night view, but stays in standard day mode, relying on IR LEDs (that are switched on by the photoresistor setting) to give light to pick up images.