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No menu for action URL

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:09 pm
by holgerwolf

I have no menu for enable the Actions URL:


Also the setting for a action URL in the card setting is missing:

card setting.PNG

Here the Doorphone status:


I already tested it with different Firmware Versions and also already reset to factory setting.

Best regards

Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:46 am
by didi
Hello Holger,

I also have the R26C. With firmware (issued September 25th, 2018, but not available here anymore - I still got the file on my NAS, if you need it) the "Action URL"-menu is available.
But, in this version the "CardEvent" within the card settings is also missing. It might be replaced in the "Action URL"-menu, because there is a card section.
But I think this function is not working properly: regardless if I use a card which I trained in the system or use an untrained (not allowed to open the door) card, the action is triggered! Can someone tell me, if this is by design? Would it be possible to add a second card section which is only triggered with known cards?

Best regards,

Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:56 pm
by holgerwolf
Thanks to Didi for the old FW.
With this 26.03.102 and a factory reset the "Action URL" is back.

Because of this needed factory reset it is not so easy to setup the doorphone always from scratch.

Any feedback from the official team about this?


Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:56 am
by Akuvox_Jon
didi wrote:Hello Holger,

I also have the R26C. With firmware (issued September 25th, 2018, but not available here anymore - I still got the file on my NAS, if you need it) the "Action URL"-menu is available.
But, in this version the "CardEvent" within the card settings is also missing. It might be replaced in the "Action URL"-menu, because there is a card section.
But I think this function is not working properly: regardless if I use a card which I trained in the system or use an untrained (not allowed to open the door) card, the action is triggered! Can someone tell me, if this is by design? Would it be possible to add a second card section which is only triggered with known cards?

Best regards,

Hi didi,

Please submit the requirement to someone whom you purchased the products from. We don't accept the requirements from the end user directly.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best Regards.

Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:57 am
by Akuvox_Jon
holgerwolf wrote:Thanks to Didi for the old FW.
With this 26.03.102 and a factory reset the "Action URL" is back.

Because of this needed factory reset it is not so easy to setup the doorphone always from scratch.

Any feedback from the official team about this?


Hi Holger,

Yes you are right. We need to factory reset it after each upgrading. But we provide the function to backup the config file.

You can find it under the path "Upgrade-Advanced."

Best Regards.

Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:56 pm
by holgerwolf
Hi Jon,

Do you have any status, when this issue with the missing setup for "Action URL" and "Action with card" will be fixed?


Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:08 pm
by holgerwolf
didi wrote:Hello Holger,

But I think this function is not working properly: regardless if I use a card which I trained in the system or use an untrained (not allowed to open the door) card, the action is triggered! Can someone tell me, if this is by design? Would it be possible to add a second card section which is only triggered with known cards?

Best regards,

Hi Didi,

I did a test here, and I also think this an issue with the card action url. This event is triggered every time a card is detected by the doorphone. Also for unregistered cards.
By the way a workaround is, to use the card sn in your external system to identify the right cards:


Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 6:49 am
by skylux

I tested with the newest firmware ( - because I want to use the chime bell feature). Unfortunately the card event menu is still missing. :( It is however still part of the official admin-guide. It would be great to have this feature back in the next release.

Best regards,

Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:44 am
by didi

so ich hatte mal wieder ein bischen Zeit mich dem Thema zu widmen. Ich schreibe jetzt mal in Deutsch (sieht eh so aus, als wäre dieser Thread rein deutsch), da der Support hier anscheinend ziemlich unwissend ist, nach dem ich mein Problem mit dem Auslösen bei unregistrieten Karten selbst lösen konnte.
Vorweg, vergesst das Webinterface - selbst in der neusten Version der Firmware ( kommt man immer noch nicht auf die "action url" und die "card events".
Also mal die "Automatic AutoP" unter "Upgrade/Advanced" angeschaut - also die automatische Konfiguration mittels einer Datei auf einem Server. Flugs das Template exportiert (Export Autop Template) und mal angeschaut. Ein bischen suchen nach den Einträgen, die man im Webinterface gemacht hat und siehe da:

Config.Features.ACTIONURL.OpenRelaySuc = http://ip-adresse-fb/mein-string
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.MotionDetect =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.Input =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.Input2 =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.Input3 =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.Input4 =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.Input5 =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.Card =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.ValidCodeEntered =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.InvalidCodeEntered =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.ValidCardEntered =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.InvalidCardEntered =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.DTMFAccessGranted =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.InputActive =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.InputInactive =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.PropOpenAlert =
Config.Features.ACTIONURL.HeartBeat =

Wollen die mich verar...? Was ist denn das in Blau? Ist es nicht das, wonach ich gefragt habe? Und "Akuvox_Jon" antwortete ich möge solche Änderungen doch bitte über den Händler anfragen - für was gibts denn dann das Forum sonst, bei dem man nur nach manueller Prüfung freigeschalten wird! Sieht so aus, als wüsste die linke Hand nicht was die rechte macht!

Also gut, die exportierte Datei geändert, auf die Fritte gelegt, die Einträge bei "Manual Autop" gemacht und das gleich gestartet.
Verdammt geht nicht!
Also im Logfile geschaut, falscher Dateiname. Der will "r000000000026P.cfg" haben. Also gut, kriegt er...

So sehen die Einstellungen im "Manual Autop" bei mir (r000000000026P.cfg liegt im Root der FB) jetzt aus:

URL: ftp://Ip-adresse-FB/r000000000026P.cfg
User Name: ftpuser
Password: xxxxxxxxx
Common AES Key: bleibt leer
AES Key(MAC): bleibt leer

Auf "AutoP Immediately" gedrückt => Konfiguration erfolgreich
Und was soll ich sagen: Es wird nur noch bei einer angelernten Karte geöffnet, bei einer untrainierten nicht mehr. Ist doch nicht schwer und sollte meiner Meinung nach der Support wissen!

Also was lernen wir: Lieber die Konfiguration über die Datei gemacht (die ist eigentlich selbsterklärend) und alles wird gut. Und was es da noch alles gibt...

Viele Grüße,

Re: No menu for action URL

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:22 pm
by holgerwolf
Hallo Didi,

prima, dass es auch über den Weg geht. Ich "lebe" im Moment mit der Validierung der Karten im hintergeschalteten System. Es werden einfach alle Karten ID übertragen und ich entscheide in der Automation, welche die Tür öffnet.
Irgendwo anders steht, dass es wohl im März ne neue FW geben soll. Vielleicht überarbeiten die dann auch das Webinterface...
Bin nämlich ansonsten echt zufrieden. Die Sprechstelle läuft bei mir über nen Monat ohne Probleme. War am Anfang skeptisch wie stabil das sein wird.
