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SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 4:37 am
by Jackson.C
Hallo together,
i have a question about the SIP connection with Akuvox R26C
if I connect the Akuvox Intercom with SIP -> I become a PushButton Action..
can I disabled it ?
Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:29 pm
by Akuvox_Jon
Hi Sir,
I feel so sorry that I didn't get you clearly, could you please help to clarify the problem?
And may I please know which firmware version and hardware version your R26C is working on?
"Connect the Akuvox intercom with SIP" means you registered a SIP extension on R26C right?
As for "I become a PushButon Action" means?
Many thanks.
Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:32 am
by Jackson.C
Hallo Jon,
my Model R26C
Firmware Version
Hardware Version
Camera Type AR0330
I´m connected with 2 SIP servers and it works very well .
my only Problem is
when the bell is pressed -> send Akuvox a Http PushButton Action to my server and the Server open a SIP connection to the Akuvox.-> when i accepting the connection on my Handy, Tablet, PC send Akuvox a new Http PushButton Action ????can I stop that?
Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-31 um 19.05.55.png
Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:08 pm
by jezikk
Hi Jackson, I see you probably use Loxone integration with Akuvox, can you share your Akuvox (sipserver config ?) and Loxone Doorbell config ?
Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:55 am
by Jackson.C
Hallo jezikk,
the Config is very easy
my Router is the SIP-Server AVM7590 ...
You must make a virtual input in the config from Loxone Config
and a Http PushButton Action.. in the Akuvox for the Dorbell
thats it

Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:33 pm
by jezikk
1. I already have HTTP URL checked in Akuvox with link user:password@loxone_ip/dev/sps/io/....
2. I receive ping in Loxone and Door Controller starts, I have locally video preview but
no audio (image and video urls:
3. Host audio I set to akuvox ip address and I gave credentials to akuvox device.
4. I can open door by HTTP relay (Q1 in Loxone)
Can you post image with your Loxone config ?
Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:01 pm
by Jackson.C
Hay a nice day

Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:02 pm
by Jackson.C
Hallo Jon,
my Model R26C
Firmware Version
Hardware Version
Camera Type AR0330
I´m connected with 2 SIP servers and it works very well .
my only Problem is
when the bell is pressed -> send Akuvox a Http PushButton Action to my server and the Server open a SIP connection to the Akuvox.-> when i accepting the connection on my Handy, Tablet, PC send Akuvox a new Http PushButton Action ????can I stop that?
Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-31 um 19.05.55.png
Http PushButton Action
Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:07 pm
by jezikk
Jackson.C wrote:Hay a nice day

Than for the pics.
I have exactly the same, except that my SIP server is outside LAN ( and I have to pass credentials to set up a call to akuvox. And I'm stucked with it.
Re: SIP connect -> PushButton Action
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:45 pm
by Jackson.C
Jackson.C wrote:Hallo Jon,
my Model R26C
Firmware Version
Hardware Version
Camera Type AR0330
I´m connected with 2 SIP servers and it works very well .
my only Problem is
when the bell is pressed -> send Akuvox a Http PushButton Action to my server and the Server open a SIP connection to the Akuvox.-> when i accepting the connection on my Handy, Tablet, PC send Akuvox a new Http PushButton Action ????can I stop that?
Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-31 um 19.05.55.png
Http PushButton Action